Hi this is Ned.

I've been trying to learn some programming and web development skills for a while in my spare time, most recently going through sites like The Odin Project and freeCodeCamp. Things I've used to varying degrees include HTML, CSS, Javascipt/jQuery, Python, and Ruby.

One example of something I've made is this very site, made with Jekyll and GitHub Pages. Some other web things are below. All the code stuff I've basically ever done is also on my GitHub.

Noughts and crosses. Play against the computer who also has some kind of AI going on (code).

A web calculator that really calculates (code).

A 'Simon Says' game with exciting sounds and colours (code).

A productive Pomodoro timer (code).

Sketcher. Lets you draw things in a box (code).

Quote generator. Uses an API to spit out quotes about design (code).